In the Rehearsal Room
Photo Credit: Tim Fuller
On the Stage
Photo Credit: Tim Fuller

What is it about Jane Austen?
Is it the setting, England during the Regency, where a prince instead of a king ruled and empire waist dresses were introduced by another “Emma”? Is it the language, where women speak up and men listen? Where irony and social commentary meld effortlessly together? Is it characters like Elizabeth Bennet, Elinor Dashwood, Emma Woodhouse, and so many more women with a purpose and a determination to live their lives as they choose? Continue Reading …

‘Miss Bennet’ gives new life to ‘Pride and Prejudice’ characters
Orignially published in the Arizona Daily Star, by Cathalena E. Burch. Poor Mary Bennet. Jane Austen barely gave her any ink in her 19th century novel “Pride and Prejudice.” Mary, the middle of the five Bennet sisters, kind of didn’t deserve any. She was dull, her nose was always stuck in a book and she was judgmental and insisted on playing the pianoforte. Badly. She was destined to a loveless life. Ah, but that was then. Continue Reading …