Blog What They’re Saying

ATC Returns to the Stage

Originally published on  A new direction, mission and leadership team advance ATC into its 54th season.  Arizona Theatre Company (ATC) puts artists and audiences at the heart of all it does. ATC performances bring people together to experience essential stories, from reimagined classics to contemporary plays, original works, and innovative musicals. The theatre’s mission is to […]

“My 80-Year-Old Boyfriend” To Go Off-Broadway

Originally published on Robert Encila-Celdran It’s rush hour on a Friday afternoon and I have the good fortune to locate a parking spot across the lane from the Temple of Music and Art. I don’t recall parking this close to the building in my years as a patron of Arizona Theatre Company. Of course, my sense […]

Jul 25, 2021

New Research: Benefits of Live Theatre

Live theatre can boost empathy and pro-social behavior, according to new research by Eric W. Dolan, published in PsyPost July 25, 2021. Watching a live theatre production can increase empathy for the groups depicted in the plays and may even result in real changes in charitable behavior, according to new research published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. […]